A downloadable project

In Confidence is a WEBGL online browser game where 6 or more players can join, select a map, and complete tasks in a level to gain the ability to confide with each other. Players can use symbols to communicate with others, and can use these and special team-specific combinations of symbols to identify teammates, and confirm their identities.

In Confidence was a large-scale group project worked on by the entirety of the class of 2018 at University of the West of England, split into smaller groups. I was a gameplay representative for my group, and proposed the game concept, participated in iteration, hosted playtesting sessions, and acted on feedback gained. I also implemented the following features with minor assistance:

Confide System (Offer and Reject other players over an online network).

Symbol Message System (HUD element, controls, sprites, sending messages about symbol usage over an online network).

Role HUD element.

Combinations (calculating a random combination, sending and receiving combinations over an online network to all players at match start).

Ceiling  obfuscation gameplay element.

Various tasks from Kachiku 64 level.

Gang Signs bonus level, including player sprites, all tasks and their sprites.

Various other sprite artworks and implementation.

The Game is currently available to play at:


A build featuring a bonus level, created by myself, is also available at:


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